Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Favorites

| one | two | three | four | five | six | seven |

Have a great weekend!


Make- Up

Hey guys!
So I received a couple of questions in regards to this post.
You guys wanted to know what eye make up I was wearing and if I had falsies on.
My make up routine that day was extremely minimal, we had a rough night (grumpy baby) and I was in no mood to be in front oft he mirror at 6:30am piling on complicated make up.

Here is is:

I used Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Gel Eyeliner for green eyes and a couple coats (Five coats) of Covergirl's Lash Blast Volume mascara (This has been and will be my favorite for as long as it's on the market, no clumps and no spider looking lashes!)
So there you have it.
It literally takes about 2 minutes to do and the end result is something that I am satisfied with.

 I will do a tutorial on how to get the look on Saturday morning if you guys would like.
Shoot me an email or leave a comment on here.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ideas for how to spend a Spring day

I've been trying to make a list of things to do now that the weather is warming up.
My son is extremely antsy and does not like to stay inside so here's a list of things that I plan on doing in the near future:

What's on your Spring to do lists?


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Five Things.

I thought I would share five things about myself with you all.

1. I went through an extreme writing phase from ages 11-18. I had journal collections in which I would chart everything beautiful from a feather I found on the ground to the way asphalt crunched under my sneakers.
When I was 16 and going through my teen angst phase I destroyed most of these journals because I thought I was an idiot ha.
What I would give to go back and read it all!

2. I tell people I grew up in Big Bear, CA. (Technically I spent most of my teenage years there)
Truth is, I grew up in Riverside, CA but don't consider this home.

3. I graduated with a degree in Merchandise Product Devlopment from FIDM in downtown Los Angeles in 2008.

4. I daydream a lot about traveling and exploring, which might be the reason I love books such as, 'Travels with Charley in Search of America' by John Steinbeck.
I do not like to sit still, I always have to see new things or else I get bored and upset.

5. I measure things on a child birth pain scale..haha which means, I don't find most things painful anymore.

What are your five things?



classics  plural of clas·sic (Noun)

  1. A work of art of recognized and established value.
  2. A garment of a simple, elegant, and long-lasting style.

I have never been one to follow on trends.
Granted, yes I work in the fashion industry, and yes I see all the new hot trends months in advance.
 I've always stuck with the classics, button ups, stripes, blazers, flats (in many colors), little black dresses, little white dresses, cardigans, heels, boots, cigarette jeans, leather handbags and colorful accessories.  
I've loved Coco Chanel's style from the minute I knew who she was, along with Audrey Hepburn.
I would wear lots of items that they had in their closet to this day and it would still look modern, this is what classics are, people.
 Prior to becoming a mom I would buy clothes much bigger because I didn't like to show my body shape.
Now I accentuate my body with clothing that fits properly and flatters my frame.
I also find that we should dress age appropriate. 
AKA get out of the juniors section if you are not a teen girl.
Put those mini shorts and crop tops away if you are past the age of twenty-one.
 You catch my drift.

Please note that all items that are in the pictures are actual items that I do own, or are extremely similar to items that are currently in my wardrobe.

If you would like me to link the sites where you can find these items feel free to ask away! :)

 I hope this helps you guys find the right building blocks to putting together a wonderful collection of clothing that will last a long time and will always remain current and classic.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fourteen Months.

Yet another month has been marked off of my son's life since he's been born.
I find myself planning his second birthday (ALREADY!) in my head.
I don't know what little monster was invented to gobble up days left and right, but it needs to s--llll--ooooo-wwww down!

In the back of my mind this little boy will always be my tiny delicate newborn even if in reality he is a toddler running ten times faster than me.

At fourteen months Reese:

- Runs. Really fast... enough said.
- Does not like to be tied down to carts, high chairs, car seats, he has to walk or he won't be happy.

-Prefers to push his stroller (cart, chairs anything with a back... ) not sit in it.

- Loves nature! When ever he's in a bad mood I'll take him outside to talk about the trees and the bushes and it lightens his spirit.
- Is almost completely self weaned. His dad and I think he's only asking to breastfeed as a form of comfort.
-Dances to all music, doesn't matter where we are he will stop and dance. We get lots of, "oh my goodness he is so cute!" from strangers ;)
- Is a F-L-I-R-T he loves his ladies.
- Makes lots of silly faces at his Daddy and I.
- Favors Daddy over Mommy.. lol.. we're working on this, people.
-Loves Vanilla Horizon milk, he can gobble an entire carton in a couple minutes!

- Likes to drag sticks around and bop me, Dad and the dog with them.

- Loves his new alphabet magnets we bought for the fridge. I try to teach him words and he'll slap them off.

- Learned how to use his blocks properly! He finally can stack them together.

- Can carry 3-4 pound weights (With mommy running behind him having a  mini heart attack, of course...). I'm thinking about sending him off to work at the circus as the next strong man.

-Likes to carry all of his toys to the kitchen... I don't know why.

- Is still the pickiest eater in the universe! If it's colorful and he sees it, it's going to the dog.

And last but not least, is still the love of his mommies life.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness

On my drive into work today, I got to thinking about happiness.
How to build it, how to surround myself and thought about what makes me happy?
For a long time I tied happiness in with work.
If I didn't love my job, didn't make "x" amount of money a year then I wasn't happy.
 That no longer holds true.

I've been hearing and reading lots of people's remarks about hating their life,  complaining about work, relationships etc.
 I want to shake them and say, "Wake up! Living like this will kill you!"

Happiness is:

Watching my son grow and learn.

Not stressing about small things in life like "F***, I'm going to be 10 minutes late to work because of this traffic..." which I was prone to doing.

Basking in the sunlight while enjoying time singing in the car on my way to work.

Feeling beautiful, but not acting like a person trying to prove to everyone that I am beautiful. You look a fool trying to do that!

Planning out my future. I took a year off from planning my goals, what comes next.
I am back in that mode.
(I am not planning Reese's future, that's for him alone to plan)

Going on a date with Kye and Reese on Friday evenings.
You have no idea how much I look forward to this at the beginning of the week!

Exploring old and new places.

What makes you happy?


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Beauty Favorites


I have been experimental this month when it came to beauty products.
Don't get me wrong, there are days when I just don't feel like doing my make up and I'll throw on two coats of mascara and a swipe of lip gloss and call it a day... then there are days when I like to get dolled up.

Physicians Formula Supper BB

I mentioned in a previous post that I was obsessed with the Garnier Fructis BB cream, just this month it started seeping into my smile lines aka wrinkles and this was the end of my love affair.
I heard lots of hype about Physicians Formula Super BB cream and decided to give it a try.
I originally thought that it was not going to match my skin ( I picked up "light") turns out it blends in so nicely to your skin color all while masking all of those tiny imperfections.
It also isn't watery based like the Garnier BB cream which I find pretty nice!

Revlon Moon Candy Nail Art Nail Polish- Orbit

AMAZING! I'm actually wearing this on my nails as I type.. I used two coats of the navy nail polish and one swipe of the chunky glitter on top... and I cannot stop looking at my nails.
They are so cool, I just want to show them off, the glitter reminds me of ice chips.
It's also lasted about four days with no chipping!

Sonia Kashuk Eye Couture Pallet

In last months post I mentioned that I was in love with another Sonia Kashuk eye quad.
She makes amazing cosmetics I can't even rave enough.
The price and the quality are so amazing ($14.99 for the pallet above!)
Plus these colors are so nice and don't make me look like I walked through a time machine from the 80's.

 Maybelline Color Sensational Lip gloss- Captivating Coral

This is another product I've blogged about previously.
I've literally been using this every day for two weeks. The color is the perfect coral shade and the formula isn't watery or sticky which is my biggest annoyance in lip gloss.
I usually wear mascara, blush and a swipe of this gloss when I'm in a rush.
Makes me looked put together without trying.

What are you beauty favorites this month?


Confessions of a Coffee-holic

I get asked quite frequently how I manage to be so chipper and alive all while raising a toddler.
Truth is, I am dying of exhaustion..
I have to physically drag myself out of bed (every morning!)
Outfits are picked at night before bed.
All so I can get an extra five whole minutes of sleep, if Reese permits this ;)
The main reason for my chipper and positive outlook on life? Coffee. Two or more cups a day to be exact... and by cups I mean giant mugs.

"C" is for coffee that's good enough for me!! ;)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Closet Cravings.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

Every time winter comes to a close, I find myself being drawn to the color orange.
What are you guys craving to fill the spaces in your closet lately?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

| 38 Weeks Pregnant | 

So I know I am way past the pregnant stage (my son is almost Fourteen months!) however, I can't shake the weird writings I found scribbled like a mad woman, while I was pregnant.

I was a hormonal train WRECK.

While many woman have cravings such as ice cream, chalk etc. I craved history books on Atlantis and Queen Elizabeth 1.
You read that right.
I spent my weekends at the library and online researching both topics as if I were writing a thesis.
Kye and I were both sure that Reese was going to slide right out of the womb a historian with a full on beard and bifocals.
Prior to being pregnant I had no interest in either topics.

All I wanted to eat were chicken nuggets, tacos (the hotter the better) Panera mac and cheese and Peanut Butter sandwiches (even though I am allergic to peanut butter!)
I hated ice cream, if you know me, you know that this is extremely unlike me, I consider ice cream a main food group.
We used to joke that I ate like a little boy.

I refused to wear maternity clothing... I had way too much pride for  that, thank you very much lol.
I was still trying to squeeze my big belly under size small shirts and size 4 pants.
When I finally had no choice but to buy maternity pants around seven months, I kicked myself in the butt (Thanks Destination Maternity) how did I not know how comfortable maternity pants were??

I didn't go through the "nesting" phase like most women do.
I had one day of yelling at Kye to put up the crib and changing table.
I cried, I screamed, I even pouted (I'm not proud of my actions) when he wouldn't get off his butt and do it the exact second I wanted him to.
I hated our dog :( 
This is the one that gets me everytime...
I felt like she was going to hurt my baby, she was going to give him some weird disease, she was the enemy.
 I simply ignored her except to walk, feed and water her.
I treated her like she didn't exist :((
 She has always been such a good girl which is why I didn't get why I felt this way towards her.
Eventually she forgave me and now we are BFF's again.
The day we brought Reese home she was so excited! She protects and loves him as much as we do.
When he cries she runs right by his side.
When he naps, she stays in the room and naps with him.
 It's amazing watching them grow together.

I'd love to hear all of your pregnancy tales as well.


Weekend Getaway

Day dreaming of a weekend getaway.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Guilt and the Working Mommy

When I started working I knew that I would feel guilt for leaving my boy.
Would he think I'd abandoned him? How will we both cope? We've spent every single second since he was conceived together!
I was secretly hoping that he'd have some sort of allergic reaction (not really) to daycare and that my choice would automatically be made, I would just be a mommy that worked from home for ever.
Truth be told, I knew that I had to do this. For him to gain independence and for me to keep my sanity, being with a baby all day really gets to you (when you watch baby shows and catch yourself being really into it, you know its time to get your tooshy to work)
 I also know that if something (god forbid) were to happen to Kye that I would be able to take care of my boy and give him the life that he deserves.
Just as my parents did for me.

With all of that being said, I still can't help but feel guilty.
Guilty that I come home and he's upset because he's tired.
Guilty that I look at him every night and realize that yes, he really has grown in the 11 hours that I've not seen him.
Even guilty that I wasn't there to change his dirty diaper! haha

I will eventually learn that he is healthy, happy and enjoys his time at "school" (daycare) and with dad.
And those nights after dinner, getting him ready for bed will forever be my favorite time.

Now I just need to stop driving  home like a race car driver breaking all sorts of laws to get home to my boy.
After all he needs his mommy home in one piece.
