Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Basket Goodies: 

This was Reese's second Easter, but the first that we actually celebrated.
Last year he was only three months old so we didn't do anything or even consider making him a basket.
This year I will never forget the look on his face when he walked into the living room to find his basket waiting to be opened.
He was mainly excited for the snacks (that's my boy!) 
I tried to buy items that I never give him, gold fish, teddy grahams, Fruit Crisps (one serving of fruit in each bag!) etc.

We actually celebrated twice, he did his first egg hunt with my mom and grandma on Saturday night and then we went to Kye's grandparents house on Sunday to hunt more eggs and eat way too much.

Watching Reese find eggs (and jump with excitement and curiosity) was too much for my little mommy heart to handle!

I hope you all had a great Easter!


Toddler March Favorites

| one | two | three | four | five | six

Now that Reese is fourteen months old, I've noticed a change in the toys that he enjoys playing with.
They are a bit more "grown up" like hot wheels etc.

I catch him using the couch as his hot wheels ramp.
(He sets them on top and pushes them down so they crash and does it all over again)

Our week day evening routine before dinner is to lay in bed and read lots of books while he nurses. 
His favorites are: 'Are You My Mother' and 'Goodnight Moon'.
He'll point to the pictures when I ask him to find the baby bird, cow jumping over the moon etc. and try to mimic the words.
 I am extremely persistent on making sure that he has books read to him every single day and especially when he asks for his, "book". 
I keep books on our nightstand (we co-sleep) and sometimes while I'm trying to put him to sleep he'll climb out of bed and pull his books down, then climb back in bed.
That's cue for cuddles and read time.

He has also started climbing on top of his bouncing turtle all by himself and jumping like a little monkey.
It's very amusing to watch. 

If you have toddlers, I really recommend picking up alphabet fridge magnets (just make sure to monitor them while they play, they tend to try to eat everything!)
I teach Reese words and how to pronounce them, so far he is learning lots!
What are your toddlers favorite toys this month?