Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

| 38 Weeks Pregnant | 

So I know I am way past the pregnant stage (my son is almost Fourteen months!) however, I can't shake the weird writings I found scribbled like a mad woman, while I was pregnant.

I was a hormonal train WRECK.

While many woman have cravings such as ice cream, chalk etc. I craved history books on Atlantis and Queen Elizabeth 1.
You read that right.
I spent my weekends at the library and online researching both topics as if I were writing a thesis.
Kye and I were both sure that Reese was going to slide right out of the womb a historian with a full on beard and bifocals.
Prior to being pregnant I had no interest in either topics.

All I wanted to eat were chicken nuggets, tacos (the hotter the better) Panera mac and cheese and Peanut Butter sandwiches (even though I am allergic to peanut butter!)
I hated ice cream, if you know me, you know that this is extremely unlike me, I consider ice cream a main food group.
We used to joke that I ate like a little boy.

I refused to wear maternity clothing... I had way too much pride for  that, thank you very much lol.
I was still trying to squeeze my big belly under size small shirts and size 4 pants.
When I finally had no choice but to buy maternity pants around seven months, I kicked myself in the butt (Thanks Destination Maternity) how did I not know how comfortable maternity pants were??

I didn't go through the "nesting" phase like most women do.
I had one day of yelling at Kye to put up the crib and changing table.
I cried, I screamed, I even pouted (I'm not proud of my actions) when he wouldn't get off his butt and do it the exact second I wanted him to.
I hated our dog :( 
This is the one that gets me everytime...
I felt like she was going to hurt my baby, she was going to give him some weird disease, she was the enemy.
 I simply ignored her except to walk, feed and water her.
I treated her like she didn't exist :((
 She has always been such a good girl which is why I didn't get why I felt this way towards her.
Eventually she forgave me and now we are BFF's again.
The day we brought Reese home she was so excited! She protects and loves him as much as we do.
When he cries she runs right by his side.
When he naps, she stays in the room and naps with him.
 It's amazing watching them grow together.

I'd love to hear all of your pregnancy tales as well.


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