Friday, March 16, 2012

New Etsy Faves

I've been drooling over some new shops I stumbled upon.
Thought I'd throw together some faves that maybe you'd like to look into.


PS. More pieces being added to my shop soon!!

Love, Nicole

GD Inspiration

So I have been super crazy about watching Amelie lately. 
I've been thinking to create a piece inspired by the movie in some sense, yet keeping my aesthetic. 

This is my favorite picture, I used it for a school project in college that I entitled 'Tis Nothing but a Childhood Dream' and created childhood accessories for adult women. Heart shaped sunglasses, colorful sandals, geometric shaped purse.

Speaking of which.. It got me thinking of the Chanel commercial with Audrey Tautou.. I forgot how much I love that commercial! I might also need to do something with this...


Monday, March 12, 2012


I thought this would be fun to do. Taken from Danielle's blog over at

1. if you could have any superhuman strength, what would it be?
- I would probably want to be invisible, that way I can sit and people watch for hours and not look like a creepy weirdo.

2. what do you consider your greatest talent?

-Jewelry making, I was able to pick up the skill and teach myself instantly without books or help.

3. if you could live anywhere else in the world for one year, where would it be and why?

-Big Sur, California would have to be the place. We took a family trip up to San Francisco when I was 14 years old and stopped at a tiny hotel by a stream because of a crazy thunder and rain storm in the middle of the night and I instantly fell in love before I even know where the heck we were. Do you know that feeling you get in your chest and the pit of your stomach when you are in love and it feels like you might throw up or giggle for hours for no reason? I even wrote about how I fantasized about moving into a tiny shack with wooden floors that creaked and to be able to sell the things I make to tourists and live as simple and pure as an artisan. I can still picture this tiny little shack in my head but this time I have my baby boy with me :) and possibly a dog to protect us from intruders and mean ghosts.

4. if you could make up a color, what would it look like and what would you call it?

-It would probably be something on the darker side... I'm not so sure what I would call it.

5. what's the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?

-Kye has done a lot of kind things for me.

6. what is one quirk about you that other people don't understand?

-I take work extremely seriously and maybe I come off harsh about it, it isn't that I don't want to be friends I just like to separate work from personal relationships for some reason. I sometimes also really like to be alone so when I get invited places I tend to turn down the offer.. people seem to take that as a personal attack or an insult. I've always been this way!!

7. if you could do one thing that would be felt worldwide, what would it be?

-I don't know if it would be felt but, I would like to write a book. Preferably while living in Big Sur.

8. alive or deceased, what one person would you like to have as a best friend?

-Coco Chanel, she has always been someone I looked up to because she was so strong willed and brave.

9. what's the most delicious thing you cook?

-Angel hair pasta with olive oil, baked chicken, fresh basil, tomatoe and shredded mozzarella.. so yum.

10. in your life, who has been your biggest cheerleader?

-It's a tie between Kye and my mom

11. what scares you?

-Before Reese, I would have to say sharks, spiders, walking in pitch black dark and not being able to see in front of me.. now I would have to say something bad happening to my son. I would give my own life for my bebe to be safe forever.