Monday, September 17, 2012

Let Them Eat Cake!


{Frosted and waiting to be lit later that evening}

 On Friday we celebrated Kye's birthday. Birthdays are an extremely big deal around here!
I attempted making a blue gradient birthday cake and as you all know I've recently shared that I am not a good cook, or anything even remotely close to this...
It almost pains me to show the results of a crumbling mess of a cake.
Kye said it tasted amazing and that's all that matters. I think the man loves me too much to hurt my feelings.

{Candles lit}

My boys also had to sit through my terrible version of the song 'Happy Birthday'

 {Crumbling blue gradient cake attempt}

Sigh... I contemplated throwing it out and making a new one... Reese would not hear of this, he just wanted to jump on the cake, smash it to pieces and possibly get a bit in his mouth to taste and make a face over.

 {Birthday celebrating dog!}

{The sweetest present on earth!}

 {Birthday Balloons}

{Grass hopper we ran into on the way out to dinner}

I have unfortunately been fighting off a very bad cold for over a week now, so hopefully you'll find me back to my old witty self quite soon!

Today is also an important day, on this day eight whole months ago the light of our lives was born!
He is ready to take on the world, two feet at a time.

(If you would like the recipe to this cake, please feel free to ask, hopefully yours will turn out much better than my sorry attempt)


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