Monday, November 26, 2012

Our BF Story

{Reese at four months old after nursing}

I recently received a question from a lovely reader regarding whether or not I breastfeed my son and to share our story.

I do breastfeed Reese, I started the second the nurse cleaned him up and put him in my arms.
I originally went into the hospital not knowing what I would do (I did absolutely zero research.. I won't lie!) I figured that what would happen would happen and I would be prepared for anything. 
I've always lived this way.
I've never been one to look down on formula feeding or breast feeding, there is absolutely nothing wrong with either! 
(It really upsets me when mother's make such a big deal of putting down other mother's for doing the opposite of what they are...)

Anyhow, the first days in the hospital were great, with the exception of the pain (breastfeeding is no walk in the park for the first couple of weeks!)
Everything changed when we got home.
My perfect angel son no longer wanted to latch on... he screamed in frustration and hunger.
I also was not able to nurse from my left side... due to an introverted nipple that apparently is pretty common (and is one of the many reasons that mother's do not nurse...)
I can't even tell you the amount of tears I shed trying to get him to eat...
I wanted to give up, crawl under the covers and sleep for ever.
Kye went out and picked up baby supplies the day after we were released and came home with a Medela Pump in Style.
He was extremely supportive and wanted to make sure that our son was able to nurse.
So I pumped.
I was attached to that thing for the first 2 months of Reese's life all day everyday.
I was also working from home 9 hours everyday on top of taking care of a newborn alone while Kye went to work.
It was rough.
I cried so much, maybe more than necessary...
And then, one day after trying for two whole months (almost three) to get the boy to latch on, he did!
Since then, I've tried to give him formula once while I was in downtown LA working. 
He spit it out and screamed at me until I ran out to my car to feed him.

We've been exclusively breastfeeding for 10 months straight and plan on doing so until a little after his first birthday.

I am so grateful that we were able to experience the breastfeeding journey!
I can't even begin to describe to you all the feeling that you get when you snuggle up to your baby and feed them.

I definitely recommend breastfeeding if you are able to. 

If you are a mother, what's your story?


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