Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fourteen Months.

Yet another month has been marked off of my son's life since he's been born.
I find myself planning his second birthday (ALREADY!) in my head.
I don't know what little monster was invented to gobble up days left and right, but it needs to s--llll--ooooo-wwww down!

In the back of my mind this little boy will always be my tiny delicate newborn even if in reality he is a toddler running ten times faster than me.

At fourteen months Reese:

- Runs. Really fast... enough said.
- Does not like to be tied down to carts, high chairs, car seats, he has to walk or he won't be happy.

-Prefers to push his stroller (cart, chairs anything with a back... ) not sit in it.

- Loves nature! When ever he's in a bad mood I'll take him outside to talk about the trees and the bushes and it lightens his spirit.
- Is almost completely self weaned. His dad and I think he's only asking to breastfeed as a form of comfort.
-Dances to all music, doesn't matter where we are he will stop and dance. We get lots of, "oh my goodness he is so cute!" from strangers ;)
- Is a F-L-I-R-T he loves his ladies.
- Makes lots of silly faces at his Daddy and I.
- Favors Daddy over Mommy.. lol.. we're working on this, people.
-Loves Vanilla Horizon milk, he can gobble an entire carton in a couple minutes!

- Likes to drag sticks around and bop me, Dad and the dog with them.

- Loves his new alphabet magnets we bought for the fridge. I try to teach him words and he'll slap them off.

- Learned how to use his blocks properly! He finally can stack them together.

- Can carry 3-4 pound weights (With mommy running behind him having a  mini heart attack, of course...). I'm thinking about sending him off to work at the circus as the next strong man.

-Likes to carry all of his toys to the kitchen... I don't know why.

- Is still the pickiest eater in the universe! If it's colorful and he sees it, it's going to the dog.

And last but not least, is still the love of his mommies life.


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