Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thirteen Months!

Hey guys!

So I'm a little late.. two whole days to be exact, but Reese just recently turned thirteen months on Sunday!
He really just gets more amazing each day.

At thirteen months Reese:

Can walk, he prefers to run, REALLY FAST and then fall and crawl around.
He would much rather crawl though, its much easier to chase the dog this way and get into small spaces ;)

Loves the chair in the pictures above! This used to be Kye's chair when he was a baby and now it belongs to Reese.
He sits like a big boy and reads his books or watches Yo Gabba Gabba.

Loves to dance and "sing" he's actually been doing this for some time now, but recently picked up on  "singing" with mommy in the car.

Blows kisses, gives kisses on demand and waves to everyone and everything!

Says handfuls of actual words, even words that aren't exactly words like "Chassss" which means Cheerios.
Also points to everything he wants.
He doesn't fuss or cry for things anymore (save for middle of the night teething), he just lets us know whats bothering him or what he needs.

Gets into all cabinents, drawers, you name it! I catch him in the pantry numerous times a day trying to get his snacks and the coffee out (I think he's so used to seeing me pull the coffee out a billion times a day he just wants to help)

Likes to turn off the lights, turn on the coffee maker, push the buttons on for his sound machine, basically turn everything off and on.

Has become and EXTREMELY picky eater... sometimes I wonder if he is even getting enough to eat because he refuses EVERYTHING!

Likes to give the dog treats, he likes to make her jump really high so she looks like she's dancing.

Can count to five on his little fingers. (I think it's more mimicking than anything else)

And last but not least, mimics everything mommy and daddy does, from brushing our hair to eating with forks or spoons.
He has major meltdowns if he don't give him the big boy brush, spoon etc.


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