Sunday, February 17, 2013

Around Here

| One- magazines read at the many doctor visits we made |
 | Two- never to sick to rock and roll, baby |
  | Three- first day back to work! |
 | Four- the new normal |
 |Five- making mommy and daddy laugh during snack time |
 | Six- book worm |

Hi guys!
I would like to take a quick minute to apologize for my month long absence.
We've had an extremely hard month.
Reese has been sick, extremely sick since the day after his birthday party.
It started off as what I thought might be teething mixed in with a small cold and blew up into two very severe ear infections and a sinus infection.
Mix in two molars, and four other teeth cutting through at once and you have a sleepless household and an extremely pained baby boy, I mean toddler...( he gets upset when I call him a baby... how he knows, I have no idea!)
Anyhow, I missed work for the first two weeks I was actually scheduled to be due in the office.
He was way to sickie poo to go to daycare, they didn't accept him and I was way too exhausted to even be alive.

Either way, we are all finally back into the new "normal" groove of things.
Reese has accepted daycare. (The heaven's have rejoiced! I can breathe easy at work)
I have accepted waking up at the crack of dawn to get Reese and myself ready for our days.
I think at this point I am still a little lost on how to keep this place tidy and dinner on the table at a certain time.. (Kye has been a saint and cooks dinner every night now because I get home around 6:30pm and that's near Reese's bedtime)

I am loving the new flow of our extremely busy life's, I won't lie.
There are times that I do miss being a house mommy, but long term I know it is better for both Reese and I to get out and be social, experience new things and for Reese to grow brave and independent.
At least this is what I tell myself for now ;)

How have you all been?

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